Helsinki: Fast Facts
- Finnish, but most know Swedish as well
- Most know English language as second language
- Hello = hyvaa palvaa (HOO-va PIGH-va)
- Goodbye = nakemiin (NAH-keh-meen)
- Thank you = kiitos (KEE-tohs)
- You’re welcome = ole hyva (OH-leh-HYOO-va)
- Pardon me = anteeksi (AHN-tehk-see)
- English = englantia (EHNG-lahn-tee-ah)
- Yes = kylla (KOO-la)
- No = ei (ay)
- 1 hour ahead of central European time
- Euro
- ATM = Otto
- Coins can't be exchanged once you leave, only notes
- 220 volt
- 2 round prong outlets
- Pharmacy = apteekki
- Finns are reserved and avoid affectionate touching and emotional displays in public
- Greet others with a handshake and avoid hugging, cheek kissing, or patting shoulders
- Keep hands out of pockets when speaking to someone
- Be on time! Highly valued throughout Scandinavia.
- Disrobe and shower
- Enter sauna naked, towels are okay
- In a hotel don’t be surprised if a washing woman cleans you
- Service charge included in bill, no need to tip.
- Fancy restaurants tip 5%
- Taxis round up 1 euro, but no need to tip
- Porter 1 euro per bag
- Maids 1 euro per night
- Saturday's = earlier closing hours
- Sunday’s = shops are closed
Food & Beverages